There are 226 items matching your search


Last updated 3/16/2022

المعرض & الوسائط

Last updated 3/16/2022

تواصل معنا

تواصل معنا ارسال رسالة    

Last updated 3/16/2022


Last updated 6/6/2022


Last updated 8/18/2022

Test product

Last updated 8/18/2022

Test company

Last updated 8/18/2022


Last updated 8/18/2022

Atrizin® (Cetirizine) 5mg Syrup ( 60ml )

Indications It is indicated for the relief of symptoms associated with seasonal & perennial allergic rhinitis. It is also indicated for the treatment of the uncomplicated skin manifestations...

Last updated 8/20/2022